All MLE cards are absolutely free. You can print as many cards as you wish, you can trade them, you can modify them. Yet sometimes one could forget that the whole project relies on a simple thing : trust.
We trust players not to make money out these cards. We trust players not to abuse the system. We trust players not to spoil the whole rarity system. So the only thing we ask to all Highlander players and collectors is to follow the Honor Guidelines below. A very very small price to pay for hundreds of Highlander cards...
We chose to distribute cards this way because of multiple reasons. Collectors probably understand the pleasure of hunting rare cards better than players.
HONOR GUIDELINE #1 : Please do not trade the same card more than once. Each time a card is traded through the mail, a new copy of the jpeg file is created. By trading the same card many times you would waste the whole rarity system (some players did trade 10 rares for a missing common !). Rares and Premiums are supposed to be available in lower quantity than commons or uncommons. That's why we are requesting you not to trade the same card more than once.
HONOR GUIDELINE #2 : Please do not post any picture in any newsgroup or mailing list or web directory, etc... You can use a few commons in your HomePage or MLE strategy/trade page but do not display your whole collection on a web site. Keep in mind that as soon as everybody can see and download a picture, it becomes a worthless card for everybody.
HONOR GUIDELINE #3 : Do not try to create multiple accounts to get more cards. We are currently checking the I.P signature of your computer : two different email accounts from hotmail have the same I.P signature if sent from the same computer, and this IP signature is also used by yahoo or aol... If you try to use more than one account per computer, your accounts will be locked and unusable.